Monday, October 5, 2020

Week 4 Blog Post

 This week I picked the song "Taking a Chance on Love" by Benny Goodman. To me this song sounds like someone who was in love and after it didn't work out was scared to love again but the song is about him taking a different chance on love. It a very happy love song with lots of hope in the lyrics. the word "Again" is used a lot in the lyrics as if life starts again with love. My favorite version of this song is actually the Frank Sinatra version. The song was originally introduced by Ethel Walters but the cover version by Benny was the one to hit number 1 on the charts. 


  1. I like the song you chose this week. This one is very interesting with how they sing and use there instruments. I really like all the points that you brought up by going in-depth about it. And how you were able to listen to different versions of the song.

  2. This song is so cool in so many ways! I feel like there's enough melody with the instruments but they somehow made it so unique. I absolutely loved your standpoint on the meaning and I totally agree! I think it was a great idea to incorporate your opinions about the song and the singers. Good Job!

  3. This song is sooo good, I really enjoy it. It is so interesting how the use the instruments. And it is so unique in its own way. I agreee with how you say he uses agree a lot. Suuuper goodd peiceeee.
