Monday, September 28, 2020

Week 3 Blog Post

 This week I decided to do the song How Deep Is The Ocean by Irving Berlin. I love this song because the third time I listened to it I realized that the lines are all questions one after another (with a few exception). I did a little bit more research of the song and Irving actually wrote it at one of the low points in his life which I found interesting because it is considered more of a romantic love song. When you listen to it though you can hear so much emotion in his voice that makes the song amazing. It more of a slow paced song so if you are going to dance to it then you would mainly slow dance. This song has been made by multiple other names. My favorite besides the original is the Frank Sinatra version. I love songs like these because they have so much heart and meaning put in the them. 10/10 recommend listening to this song. 

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