Monday, September 21, 2020

Week 2 Blog Post

 This week I decided to use the Song "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong. I picked it because its an absolute classic in the Jazz Genre. The song was about really just loving the things around you. The song he is naming off things in the world that he can see and ends with what a beautiful world. I really like this song because of Louis voice. He had a different voice than what was big in music at the time. It is more of a rough voice but just goes perfectly with the song. This song did not come to fame instantly. When it first came out it sold less than 1000 copies because ABC would not promote it.  This song is now huge still because of its meaning and if you love jazz music you will love this song. What a Wonderful World


  1. Hey jared, This song is an absolute classic so much so that it is in my current playlist! I love the way you describe his voice as being a perfect fit for this song! That is a great way to describe it. As well as how you say it still represents jazz music today.

  2. I find that it is a very fine balance between his gritty voice and the beautiful song. I believe that it is one one of the reasons that this song is a timeless classic in the history of music. I enjoyed how you gave us background and additional history and information on it.
