Monday, October 26, 2020

Week 7 Blog Post

 This week I picked the song "Yesterday" by the beatles. I had to pick this one because 1. I love the Beatles and 2. This is one of my favorite songs by them. One of the lines says "yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away" I love that line because that's how I feel when I have an exam lol. The lyrics to me sound like hiding from reality until the tail end. Yesterday is sort of a safeplace in the song where there is no worries in the world. This song is good in so many ways between the lyrics and the music that goes hand in hand with the lyrics. This song will forever be one of my favorites. 

Abbey road, beatles abbey road

1 comment:

  1. I really love this blog post, both because I love the Beatles and because your passion for this really shows. I thought it was really interesting how you described the lyric "yesterday" as being a safe place. I would've never thought to describe it that way, but that is really the vibe this song portrays.
