Monday, November 2, 2020

week 8 blog post

 This week I picked the song "the sound of silence" by Simon and Garfunkel. Honestly when I first turned it on I was surprised because the version I had of this song was by a group called "Disturbed" which is more of a rock version. This song originally was in no way rock but more of an actual pop song. I've always been a fan of this song and somehow never knew that the one I listened to was not the original. When asked about the song Garfunkel said its meaning is "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other." I never had any idea that this song had so much meaning but I am glad I got to learn more about this song this week. 



  1. I grew up listening to this song, it has a super deep meaning and that's what I love about it. Simon and Garfunkel have the most perfect voices for this type of somber song. When Disturbed came out with their version a few years ago, I was immediately a huge fan!

  2. I always felt that this song had a social dissociative meaning but I have never seen this quote. Its nice to know the meaning of a song from the writers own words. I'm glad you were able to hear the original and well done for finding this quote.
